looking for freedom farmsproducts?
Woohoo! We’re so grateful for your support. Getting our products in stores up and down Aotearoa New Zealand takes a team effort – and every time you ask specifically for Freedom Farms, you make our job a whole lot easier.

let's start with the easystuff...
We have our range available in over 80% of grocery stores… but they don’t always stock all our products. If you ask nicely, many are willing to add specific Freedom Farms products to their shelves… just ask the team in the deli or butchery department to point you in the direction of the decision maker!

visit your local butcher
Your local butcher is a great place to ask for Freedom Farms pork… they usually buy whole or half pigs so have heaps of flexibility to give you the cut you’re after (with a little bit of notice and a big thank you!).

The right cut
Let the butcher know what cut you're after, and they'll make it happen without breaking a sweat.

Ask for advice
No one knows meat better than your local butcher. They're a treasure trove of ideas. Use them.

some othertop tips...

Use online store search
On the store's online website: set the function to 'pick up' and select your local store, then enter 'Freedom Farms' in the search bar to see which of our products they stock. Simple.

Nag them on social (Nicely)
One of the (very few) upsides of social media is store DMs giving you a direct line to people who can be a bit hard to find in store... flick them a message and tell them what you're after.

Think outside the box
While most of our products go into the major retailers, don't forget to check out the new guys like Vetro too!

Say thanks occasionally
Getting a product in stores, and keeping it there can be a bit of a slog. From time to time its good for retailers and butchers to hear that you value having the option to support products that match your values.